Jonah by Dr. R.T. Kendall May 31/2023.
I once knew some Dutch people very well. And they told me that for a long time they sincerely believed that God spoke Dutch. Since I have been in this country I have found out that some think God speaks English, with an English accent! Jonah thought that God spoke Hebrew and Nineveh was hardly on Jonah's prayer list. But God's prerogative to do what He wills with whom He wills the way He wills is something that we need to learn. And after all, God can do it differently from the way He has done it in the past. Peter was told by Jesus on one occasion how he was going to die. You know what Peter's question was immediately: What about John here? (John 21:21). And it could be that God will want to do something in the world with a nation that you had not thought of, or with an individual you would not suspect. And God may actually want to do something through you, and you ask: Why me? Why not this other person?...