Jonah - Jonah's Folly - Jonah 1 : 1-4

And then there is that third big word, God's omnipotence.  That is, He is all-powerful.  That means, God can do anything, and the book of Jonah shows us this, how that God is even in control of nature.  It was God who sent out a great wind into the se3a - God is all-powerful.

Now, I ask you: Would you want God to be any other way?  There are those who don't like the fact that God knows everything but I ask you:  When you are in trouble, when you are desperate, how would you feel then if you were calling upon a God who didn't know His own mind, much less the mind of others?  I tell you, there is nothing more comforting in a time of distress and turmoil than to rediscover  that God knows all, that He is everywhere and can do anything.

But I also mentioned the character of God.  Will go a little more deeply into this question, Who is God?  For the book of Jonah is full of this.  You see, God is essentially to be understood as a God of glory.  Now, the glory of God is to be understood in two ways.  The first way is one that we cannot really comprehend, as in this great hymn:

               Immortal, invisible, God only wise,
                      In light inaccessible hid from our eyes.



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