Jonah May 27/2023 The Dignity of God's Will


The Glory of God is that which no man can see and live (Exod. 33: 20).  So we are told that we can only see the glory of God by reflection, as in a mirror, and in that mirror we see the face of Jesus Christ (II Cor, 3:18-4 : 6).  For in Christ dwells al the fullness of the Godhead bodily (Col.2 : 9).  'He that hath seen me hath seen the Father' (John 14 : 9).  The glory of God, then, mist be understood in this sense so  that directly it is that which no man can see.

The second sense, though, in which we use the term 'glory of God' is to be as seen as the dignity of His will.  God you see has a will of his own, and I suspect this is the most painful lesson that we have to learn. God has a will of His own.  The church is in its present state because it has not recognised this. We have wanted to go one way while Go has a will of  His own, and we don't like it.  The glory of God is the dignity of His will and the greatest thing that can ever happen to a man is to see and love the glory of God.


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