Jonah continued

 You may be able to accuse anybody else but may God hasten the hour when you see this folly and begin to accuse yourself, not your wife, not your husband, not your mother, not your father, not your children, not the one sitting next to you, not that one you are inviting to church.  You must accuse yourself.

The fact is we are bankrupt.  We are, in fact, little if any different from the world outside.  The world laughs at us.  The world does not respect us.  Are we to be on the defensive?  And prove why we are good?  I think not.  The hope of the world is that God in mercy will prepare a great fish, as it were, to swallow us up and make us see our folly and repent.

There is a second reason that I have chosen the book of Jonah. I identify with Jonah.  I confess before you openly.  You are looking at a man who knows what it is to be a Jonah.  I know what it is to have the Lord come to me 'the second time saying: Get up now, go to Nineveh that great city and call out against it' (Jonah 2:1).  I know what it is to be a Jonah.  You see, Jonah is a type of the Christian life.  There is not one of us I hope, who has not known the chastening oof the Lord.  I say, I hope there is not one of us because if you do not know what it is to be chastised of God you have just told me you are not a Christian.  For Hebrews 12:6 says 'For whom the Lord loves he chastens and scourges every son whom he receives.' Yes, if God chastens you, He deals with you like a son/daughter.

If you are not a Christian and you would like to become one, please pray this prayer.

Lord Jesus I come to you.  I acknowledge that I am a sinner and that you died for me because you love me.  I accept your gift of Salvation.  I acknowledge before God and man that I now belong to You and want to love you and serve you. In Jesus name.  Amen.


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